Dialysis Patient–Provider Conflict Reduction: An ESRD Network Quality Improvement Project


  • Renée Bova-Collis, MSW, LCSW


Trending of complaints and grievances in End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Network 5 revealed that a cluster of dialysis units consistently had complaints/grievances in consecutive years. A conflict reduction project aimed at improving conflict management was initiated. Soon after implementation, it became apparent that facilities were struggling with basic quality improvement (QI) concepts, applications and tools. The project’s primary focus shifted to assisting facilities in building those skills. Despite variations in competency, each facility improved its QI skill level and all but one experienced a decrease in complaints to the Network. More training and guidance is needed to ensure that facilities are meeting the Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement requirements of the Medicare Conditions for Coverage, thereby potentially increasing satisfaction among patients and staff.



How to Cite

Bova-Collis, MSW, LCSW, R. (2010). Dialysis Patient–Provider Conflict Reduction: An ESRD Network Quality Improvement Project. The Journal of Nephrology Social Work, 33, 31–38. Retrieved from https://jnsw.kidney.org/index.php/jnsw/article/view/124


