Dialysis Social Worker Training and Knowledge Regarding Kidney Transplantation
Social workers are often a primary source of education for patients in the outpatient dialysis setting, requiring these professionals to have a broad knowledge base regarding many aspects of dialysis and the various treatment modalities. Social workers are expected to be able to competently educate their patients, yet this can only be done if they themselves have been properly trained. An investigation regarding the training social workers receive and their overall knowledge about transplantation was conducted. The findings noted that formal training was almost nonexistent and exceptionally brief. Many social workers had knowledge deficits and were unable to answer basic questions regarding the kidney transplantation process
How to Cite
Iacono, LMSW, S. A. I. (2008). Dialysis Social Worker Training and Knowledge Regarding Kidney Transplantation. The Journal of Nephrology Social Work, 28, 47–51. Retrieved from https://jnsw.kidney.org/index.php/jnsw/article/view/142