Predialysis Anxiety: What are the Concerns of Patients?


  • Steven A. Iacono, LMSW


The presence and intensity of predialysis anxiety was investigated. Forty-four people who attended a predialysis educational class were evaluated for anxiety before and after attending the class. The majority of participants reported having moderate anxiety. African Americans and women reported higher levels. Participants were most concerned about their level of functionality once they initiate dialysis. However, gender differences were noted with regard to the specific types of concerns. No statistically significant correlation was found between anxiety and educational level or anxiety and age. The class did appear to reduce the level of anxiety for most participants. The majority of those who did not believe that the class reduced their anxiety were women. Further
investigation regarding the format of predialysis education is recommended along with more specific tailoring to individual learning needs.



How to Cite

Iacono, LMSW, S. A. (2005). Predialysis Anxiety: What are the Concerns of Patients?. The Journal of Nephrology Social Work, 24, 21–24. Retrieved from


